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Frohes Neues Jahr

31 December 2024
  1. SpanishFeliz Año Nuevo – (Feh-lees AH-nyo NWEH-voh)

    Cultural Note: Eating 12 grapes at midnight is a Spanish tradition for good luck.

  2. FrenchBonne Année – (Bon ah-NAY)

    Cultural Note: Fireworks and champagne are staples of French New Year celebrations.

  3. GermanFrohes Neues Jahr – (Froh-hes Noy-es Yahr)

    Cultural Note: Germans pour molten lead into water to predict the future (Bleigießen).

  4. ItalianFelice Anno Nuovo – (Feh-LEE-cheh AHN-noh NWOH-voh)

    Cultural Note: Italians wear red underwear for good fortune.

  5. PortugueseFeliz Ano Novo – (Feh-LEEZ AH-noh NOH-voh)

    Cultural Note: Brazilians jump over waves at the beach for luck.

  6. RussianС Новым годом – (Snoh-vim GOH-dum) -- не для Путина --

    Cultural Note: Ded Moroz (Father Frost) delivers gifts to children.

  7. GreekΚαλή Χρονιά – (Kah-LEE Khro-nee-ah)

    Cultural Note: Greeks bake a Vasilopita cake with a hidden coin for luck.

  8. DutchGelukkig Nieuwjaar – (Guh-LUK-ig NYEW-yahr)

    Cultural Note: Families enjoy oliebollen (Dutch doughnuts).

  9. PolishSzczęśliwego Nowego Roku – (Shtshen-shlee-VEH-goh No-VEH-go ROH-koo)

    Cultural Note: Herring is a traditional dish for New Year’s Eve in Poland.

  10. SwedishGott Nytt År – (Got Noot Oar)

    Cultural Note: Celebrations include fireworks and festive gatherings.

  11. FinnishHyvää Uutta Vuotta – (Hoo-vah OOT-tah VOO-oht-tah)

    Cultural Note: Finns melt tin and interpret its shapes for fortune-telling.

  12. NorwegianGodt Nytt År – (Got Noot Oar)

    Cultural Note: Norwegians celebrate with sparklers and family dinners.

  13. DanishGodt Nytår – (Got NYOO-tor)

    Cultural Note: Danes "jump" into the new year by leaping off chairs at midnight.

  14. IcelandicGleðilegt Nýtt Ár – (GLAY-thih-lehk NYEET OW-r)

    Cultural Note: Community gatherings and fireworks mark the celebration.

  15. CzechŠťastný Nový Rok – (SHTYAS-tny NOH-vee ROHK)

    Cultural Note: Traditional meals include pork and sauerkraut for good luck.

  16. HungarianBoldog Új Évet – (BOHL-dohg OOH-ee Eh-vet)

    Cultural Note: Hungarians enjoy fireworks and traditional lentil soup.

  17. RomanianAn Nou Fericit – (Ahn NOH Feh-ree-CHEET)

    Cultural Note: Romanians toast with champagne and recite New Year poems.

Asian Languages

  1. Chinese (Mandarin)新年快乐 – (Sheen Nyehn Kwhy Luh)

    Cultural Note: Lunar New Year features red decorations and family gatherings.

  2. Japanese新年おめでとう – (Sheen-nen Oh-meh-deh-toh)

    Cultural Note: Japanese send nengajo (New Year postcards).

  3. Korean새해 복 많이 받으세요 – (Sae-hae Bohk Mah-nee Bah-deuh-say-oh)

    Cultural Note: Families eat rice cake soup (tteokguk).

  4. VietnameseChúc Mừng Năm Mới – (Chook Mung Nam Moi)

    Cultural Note: Red envelopes and feasts are central to Tết celebrations.

  5. Thaiสวัสดีปีใหม่ – (Sah-waht-dee Pee Mai)

    Cultural Note: Songkran in April doubles as Thailand's water-based New Year celebration.

  6. Bengaliশুভ নববর্ষ – (Shoo-bhoh No-boh-borsho)

    Cultural Note: Celebrations include fairs, sweets, and family gatherings.

  7. Tamilபுத்தாண்டு வாழ்த்துகள் – (Poot-thaandu Vahl-thoo-kahl)

    Cultural Note: Puthandu, Tamil New Year, is celebrated with kolam designs.

African Languages

  1. SwahiliHeri ya Mwaka Mpya – (Heh-ree yah Mwah-kah Mp-yah)

    Cultural Note: East Africans celebrate with music and traditional dances.

  2. ZuluUnyaka Omusha Omuhle – (Oon-yah-kah Oh-moo-shah Oh-moo-hleh)

    Cultural Note: Communal meals and festivities are common in South Africa.

  3. AfrikaansGelukkige Nuwe Jaar – (Guh-LUK-eh-guh NEE-wuh YAHR)

    Cultural Note: South Africans enjoy outdoor braais (barbecues).

Oceanian Languages

  1. MaoriHari Tau Hou – (Hah-ree Toe Hoe)

    Cultural Note: Matariki, the Maori New Year, is celebrated in June.

  2. HawaiianHauʻoli Makahiki Hou – (How-oh-lee Mah-kah-hee-kee Ho)

    Cultural Note: Polynesian traditions blend with modern celebrations in Hawaii.

Middle Eastern Languages

  1. Arabicسنة جديدة سعيدة – (San-ah Jah-dee-dah Sah-ee-dah)

    Cultural Note: Fireworks are common across Arabic-speaking countries.

  2. Hebrewשנה טובה – (Shah-nah Toh-vah)

    Cultural Note: This phrase is also used during Rosh Hashanah.

  3. Persian (Farsi)سال نو مبارک – (SAHL-eh NOH Moh-BAH-rak)

    Cultural Note: Nowruz, the Persian New Year, occurs in March.

Indigenous and Other Languages

  1. Gaelic (Scottish)Bliadhna Mhath Ùr – (Blee-ah-na Vah Oohr)

    Cultural Note: Hogmanay features traditional songs and bonfires.

  2. KazakhЖаңа жыл құтты болсын – (ZHAH-nah Zhuhl-KOOT Boohl-sin)

    Cultural Note: Kazakhs celebrate with traditional feasts and games.

  3. UzbekYangi Yil Bilan – (Yahn-gee Yeel Bee-lahn)

    Cultural Note: Uzbek feasts include pilaf and sweets.

    ---- ---

Frohe Weihnachten! 

24 December 2024
  • ¡Feliz Navidad! 
  • Joyeux Noël! 
  • Frohe Weihnachten! 
    Счастливого Рождества! - не для Путина!
  • Buon Natale! 
  • Feliz Natal! 
  • Crăciun Fericit! 
  • God Jul! 
  • God Jul! 
  • Glædelig Jul! 
  • Hyvää Joulua! 
  • Gleðileg Jól! 
  • Wesołych Świąt! 
  • Vrolijk Kerstfeest! 
  • Sretan Božić! 
  •  Veselé Vánoce! 
  • メリークリスマス! 
  •  圣诞节快乐! 
  •  메리 크리스마스! 
  •  Felicem Natalem Christi! 
  •  Nollaig Shona! 

The final release for 2024

20 December 2024

As you may remember, I promised one more release this year. This will be the final one for 2024.

I’ve been working night and day since ‘Silent Prayer’ came out, to make sure it will be special.

On Christmas Eve (December 24) ‘The Embrace’ is released at midnight.

The EP contains 2 new tracks, plus the music from ‘Tell Me All Your Secrets’ and ‘Silent Prayer’ (which were released just a few weeks ago). My intention with ‘The Embrace’ is to capture the full experience in one release. These 6 tracks were composed to eventually be joined together on this upcoming EP.

1). Resonance
2). Tell Me All Your Secrets
3). Whispering Stars
4). Silent Prayer
5). The Lost Serenade
6). Where Do All The Broken Pieces Go

It’s really strange for me to realize that all this music is born within just one month. I’ve been living and breathing these tunes, so I already see them as old friends.

I hope you will enjoy ‘The Embrace’.

You can Pre-Save it right now, right HERE.

Shine On



🎶 Du bist alles was ich will 🎶

20 December 2024

I wish you a wonderful evening with our new single "Du bist alles was ich will" You are everything I want on your favorite streaming plattform!

Du bist alles was ich will - Single by Lacrimosa | Spotify

New Single!

14 December 2024
Our new single Du bist alles was ich will will be released on all streaming services next Friday, December 20th.
The title in englisch You are all I want - the personal wish list for Christmas

We are looking forward to it!

11 December 2024

Silent Prayer

10 December 2024

Shadow greetings,
Silent Prayer is released today.

I'm told it's got a Christmassy sound.
It wasn't planned, but I can only agree.

The second track is quite different, but in the same universe.

♪♫ Listen on Spotify HERE.

Let me know what you think.
You know where I hang out.

Shine on.


PS. In the quiet of a prayer, the soul finds its echo.

Silent Prayer

No more weight to bear
No more time to share
A moonlit tear of care
Rest assured, I’m still there
In silent prayer

Nothing can compare
Pure faith is prime but rare
It whispers in the air
Listen well, it’s still there
In silent prayer

Light is everywhere
The lost are not aware
But still in twilight’s care
Let’s rise beyond despair
In silent prayer

Lament - A night with Lacrimosa

29 November 2024

I promised you a surprise around the release of our new album:
We will be holding four release events in Germany, including a small acoustic set and the opportunity for an exchange of questions and answers.
06 March 25 Hamburg
07 March 25 Oberhausen
08 March 25 Glauchau
09 March 25 Berlin
Tickets are available in our shop, this is the direct link:

Lament - A night with Lacrimosa
Album Presentation + Acoustic Set + Q & A
‘For the first time in Lacrimosa's history we will present a new album in such an intimate atmosphere, talk about the background of the songs and answer questions! It will be a very special experience!’ Tilo Wolff

06.03.2025 Hamburg / Logo > Doors 19:00 > Show starts at 20:00
07.03.2025 Oberhausen / Kulttempel > Doors 20:00 > Show starts at 21:00
08.03.2025 Glauchau / Stadttheater Glauchau (seated, free choice of seats) > Doors 19:00 > show starts at 20:00
09.03.2025 Berlin / Heimathafen (seated, free seating) > Doors 19:00 > Show starts at 20:00
This are no concerts - but there will be a tour in Germany in 2025.

The big Two Witches' CD sale

28 November 2024
The big Two Witches' CD sale until the end of 2024!
This is not a Black Friday offer, not even the Blackest Thursday deal, but a CD sale lasting until the end of the year 2024!
We are cleaning out our warehouse and found many boxes of old CDs that we would like to find new homes for.
Here are the sale records:
2€ / CD
- May You Be In Heaven (4-song EP, Actcom Music, 2002)
5€ / CD
- Deepland - Live in São Paulo (Deepland Records, 2020)
- Eternal Passion (Nightbreed Recordings, 1999)
- Live in the USA (Causticity Prod., 2024)
- Sacrifice -EP (5-song EP, Darklands, 2004)
- Voodoo Wytches (Darklands, 2016)
- Marko Hautamäki: Continuum I (MH, 2016)
*a compilation of different musical projects by Two Witches' guitarist Marko Hautamäki. Incl. tracks by Two Witches, Chaos Research, Ater, Majesty, etc.
- SinMasters: innocence.lost (Shadowplay, 2008)
*15 songs version of SinMasters album. Lead vocals by Jyrki Witch and the other musicians are ex-Two Witches members Timo "Timv" Väänänen, Zynthexia and Jan "Örkki" Yrlund (also Imperia, Prestige and ex-Lacrimosa).
And please do not forget the full price releases, you can add these within the sale orders:
- Bites *digipak + bonuses (Endemoniada, 2024) 10 €
- Put a Spell on You! -the best of (Deepland, 2019) 10 €
- The Singles Collection (Shadowplay, 2005) 10 €
- The Undead (Deepland, 2021) 15 €
Postage costs:
Finland: 1 x CD = 5 €, 2 x CD = 6 €, 3 x CD -> = 8 €
Europe: 1 x CD = 6 €, 2 x 8 €, 3 x CD -> 13 €
Rest of World: 1 x CD = 7 € (economy) or 12 € (priority)
2 x CD = 11 € (economy) or 20 € (priority)
3 - 5 x CD -> = 18 € (economy) or 35 € (priority)
Please send your orders to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
or private message via FB to get the payment infos.
Paypal and IBAN bank transfer accepted.

Facebook - Two Witches 

It's getting dark...

24 November 2024

A first excerpt from the cover of our new album Lament - 7 March 2025

3 years as a solo artist

22 November 2024

I'm celebrating 3 years as a solo artist with a series of releases.
My debut single 'Is This The End' was released on November 26, 2021.
On November 26, 2024 @midnight you can look forward to my 24th release called Tell Me All Your Secrets (+one additional track).
Shortly after, even more will follow.

Lacrimosa in the Orkus

21 November 2024

Edition Orkus! December 2024-February 2025 with calendar Orkus! 2025
In the new Orkus magazine, Tilo informs about the new album - Lament


17 November 2024
Before I come up with more information about our new album, we have good news for our audience in Brazil:
On May 3rd, 2025 we will be headlining the "Sun Stage" of the BANGERS OPEN AIR BRASIL!



16 November 2024

2024 is soon no more.
But I have good news to share with you.

3 years ago. On November 26. The debut single ‘Is This The End’ saw the light and we can now conclude; it was not the end. It was the beginning of something new. But it would never have continued for this long without you. Especially those of you who stream, share and actively engage with the music.

As the upcoming holiday hysteria is about to start consuming the mainstream world even further, I will be looking inwards.

A raw and honest End-Of-The-Year-Finale.

Almost like a soundtrack.

It will be presented as 3 separate releases with exactly 2 weeks between each one.

───── ⋆☽☆☾⋆ ─────

November 26 (3 Year Anniversary)
Tell Me All Your Secrets
(+one more track)

December 10
Silent Prayer
(+one more track)

December 24
EP (the complete experience)
The Embrace
Single 1+2
(+ additional music)

───── ⋆☽☆☾⋆ ─────

Each track strips away the noise, pulling you closer to something real, something untouchable. It’s for those quiet nights when the big questions echo, and you’re reaching for something more. By Christmas Eve, it all comes together—not to impress, but to connect. Let’s make it special.

Shine on.



15 November 2024

Our new and 15th studio album will be released on March 7, 2025

Und für unser Publikum in Deutschland haben wir rund um dieses Datum eine zusätzliche Überraschung. Mehr dazu in Kürze...
( And we have an additional surprise for our audience in Germany around this date. More on this shortly... )

The name of the album 2025

14 November 2024
Tomorrow evening I will tell you the name and release date of our new album.
Here you can see how many letters the album title will have... (and no, even though there are just as many letters, the album will not be called Avalon! 😊)

Lacrimosa - the Legend

10 November 2024

The single cover of ‘Avalon’ alone is breathtaking. Even though it is - in the style of Lacrimosa - naturally in black and white, the roots come across really well. Tilo Wolff explains how it came about: ‘Yes, based on the song lyrics, which are initially about barren nature, we shot a very atmospheric video for “Avalon”, which in turn gave me the idea for this - as you call it - root work, which merges into metallic struts and cast-iron decorations, which in turn are inspired by the Arthurian legend, where we are dealing with swords, among other things.’ You can find out more in our December/January issue, in which we talk to Tilo about ‘Avalon’ and God and the world. We also venture a preview of the next album!


Behind the Scenes

07 November 2024
After "Avalon" has dominated our thoughts and feelings for weeks, it's great to see from your reactions how this music and the video now move you!
Here's a little insight behind the scenes of the video shoot.

( Is Mr Wolff wearing the Lacrimosa watch here? )

Avalon - Video

02 November 2024

The video premiere of our new single "Avalon" will take place tomorrow, Sunday, November 3rd, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. CET on YouTube!
This is the link:
I'm looking forward to seeing you! 

Lacrimosa in the Sonic Seducer Magazine

01 November 2024

You can read an exciting story about Lacrimosa in the new Sonic Seducer 
Sonic Seducer Shop - Sonic Seducer

Today is the day: "Avalon"

31 October 2024

Today is the day: "Avalon", our new single, is seeing the light of day:

And I promised you a surprise:
With the excellent team around filmmaker Jonas Sommer, we shot a magical music video for "Avalon".
The premiere will take place on YouTube this Sunday afternoon!

Note from me: Avalon was released as a single version on Spotify. Will there be an album version?
--here you can see Jonas Sommer Filmproduction

Tomorrow is the day!

31 October 2024

Tomorrow is the day! Tomorrow our new single "Avalon" will be released on all relevant streaming services.
And tomorrow I have another surprise for you in this context!


19 October 2024
I was very happy to read your comments and to feel you a little by that; and I think you experience the same way: Without knowing each other personally, we are united by music!
Here you can see the solution and the beautiful cover of our new single!

The name of the Single

18 October 2024

The new Lacrimosa song is, among other things, about a search. That's why I made you a little search picture in which you can find the name of our new single.
There are various possibilities in the letter salad, but the previous clues show you the way... 
 "RUN," "HIDE," "AVALON and "EPIC." Quite a thrilling selection! my guess.

From the Darkness ...

11 October 2024

New single !

08 October 2024
On November 1st, 2024, the time has come:
We are releasing our new single on all streaming platforms!
And with this we are diving into the world of myths and legends... it will be magical!

New Songs - October 12 @ midnight

05 October 2024

SATURDAY, October 12 @ midnight.

1. We Are Light
2. Rising Ashes

Both tracks have a priestly or ecclesiastical sound.

The main track is a hybrid metal composition, while the second feels more like an unusual morning worship, featuring special guests from all around the world.

I invite you to PRE-SAVE this upcoming release HERE.

Shine on.


PS. A single flame breaks the darkness with ease.

We move on!

01 October 2024
As you know from my last post:
The 15th Lacrimosa album will be released in 2025!
There is even more good news, starting with the fact that the album announcement does not show the cover of our new album! Here you can look forward to a magnificent picture in the unique Lacrimosa tradition, and in the continuation of the two covers of this trilogy!
But the best news: You don't have to wait until 2025 for new music...

New Album -- 2025

28 September 2024

Lacrimosa New Album

11 September 2024

New music is happening right now!

Personal Hell

26 August 2024

This little thing is available both here and there. 
Right now. It’s already told to be Poe-ish looking and vintage sounding.
I can’t disagree with either. Have a listen HERE.

Shine on.

PS. Did I hear anyone ask for lyrics?

Personal Hell

It’s not me
It’s you
Now I see how it all
Points back at you

It was all inside your head
It was nothing that I said
I really feel for you
But there’s nothing more that I can do

This is goodbye
I wish you well
Personal hell
I need you no more
No more
This is farewell
Personal hell
I need you no more

It was always you
And I know that you know that I know that it’s true
I know my eyes still appear wondrously blue
But I’m through with you

It was all inside your head
It was nothing that I said
It was never easy to be around you
I always bit off more than I could chew

This is goodbye
I wish you well
Personal hell
I need you no more
No more
This is farewell
Personal hell
I need you no more

You scream when you sleep
Cause your pain is real
But you carry on
Why I do not know
But you do
Me, I’m through with that shit

This is goodbye
I wish you well
Personal hell
I need you no more
Never ever again
This is farewell
Personal hell
I need you no more

This is goodbye
Personal hell
This is farewell
Personal hell

The Shadow Shop

29 July 2024

Black color only - 

Far From The Mainstream

The Shadow Shop

Allt ska nog gå

18 July 2024

Shadow Greetings,

I will keep this short and sweet.

New music coming early next week ♪

It's hard hitting  and quite different.

1. Allt ska nog gå
2. Du säger nästan ingenting

(English translation)

1. Everything's gonna be alright
2. You hardly say a word

Pre-save it

Shine on.


PS. All the world's a stage.

Tilo Wolff turns 52 years old

09 July 2024

Congratulations on your birthday

News from the shop!

28 June 2024

Lacrimosa in the SonicSeducer

25 June 2024

In the current issue of SonicSeducer there is a short report about Lacrimosa.

Sonic Seducer 06/2024 - Amazon

The legendary "Inferno" as a double LP

18 June 2024

Together with Reigning Phoenix Music we have prepared something special: The legendary 'Inferno" as a double LP with colored vinyl, limited to 500 copies each.
You can now pre-order this precious piece at RPM, but also in our and the other stores.

Release: 12. July 2024
Inferno is strictly limited to 500 red-white-black marbled and 500 yellow-white-orange-red marbled "Inferno" double LPs (180g) in gatefold incl. booklet.

Side A:
1. Intro/Lacrimosa Theme (02:12)
2. Kabinett der Sinne (09:18)

Side B:
1. Versiegelt glanzumströmt (07:28)
2. No Blind Eyes Can See (09:17)

Side C:
1. Schakal (10:13) 
2. Vermächtnis der Sonne (04:09)

Side D:
1. Copycat (04:56)
2. Der Kelch des Lebens (14:03)

When LACRIMOSA released their groundbreaking " Schakal" in 1994, they were the first scene band to combine gothic and metal, and to embed this in a classical orchestration! Criticized by the metal press as too dark and by the gothic press as too hard, the band initially found themselves in a lonely position.
Two years later, LACRIMOSA headlined the Dark Winter Nights Festival, the first festival tour to unite gothic and metal bands such as THE GATHERING, SENTENCED and DREAMS OF SANITY on one stage.
The rest is history: many bands, both from the metal and gothic scene, followed their example and gothic metal and symphonic metal have become established musical styles to this day.
In the meantime, LACRIMOSA have developed and perfected their musical skills while playing shows all over the world from Argentina to China for more than 20 years and now bring it all together in this masterpiece: Passion meets perfection, pain meets redemption and darkness meets the guiding light of love!
"Inferno" was more than just a new album in 1995, it is a magical experience of pure devotion - and now available for the first time on two different colored double LPs with booklet!

'Harlekin Logo' Wristwatch

17 June 2024
Another heartfelt project has been completed: We have created a new Lacrimosa watch with a family manufacturer from Germany.
An unisex model, waterproof, with scratch-resistant glass, and, and, and... More information in the shop:
Enjoy our new piece of jewelry!

-- 89,90 € in Germany

High-quality wristwatch with logo and lettering on the dial and engraved logo on the back. Comes in a classy printed box.

•             3 hand watch

•               Unisex model

•               Robust watch case made of metal, IPS chrome, nickel-free

•               Case diameter 40mm

•               Stainless steel crown with fine knurling

•             Polished stainless steel base

•               1 ATM water resistant

•               Japanese quality brand movement caliber PC21S

•             Longlife brand battery

•             domed mineral glass

•             high-quality genuine leather strap

•              Warranty: 2 years

China! We are coming!

08 June 2024

China! We are coming!

Greetings from the rehearsal studio!

06 June 2024

Greetings from the rehearsal studio for the upcoming China Tour!

New Music ♪ in Swedish

02 June 2024

Shadow Greetings,
Swedish music ♪
Yes, everything is in Swedish this time.

It's kind of a tribute to my old neighborhoods where I grew up in northern Sweden.

Check it out ON SPOTIFY.

1). Norrland
2). Farväl Du Stora Vemod
3). Indalsälven Strömmar På
4). Skymning

Find more music links, lyrics and translations (English, Spanish, Portuguese) HERE.

Shine on.


PS. There is no place like home.

Schakal 2024 CD - inside

22 May 2024

Schakal - Double CD

29 April 2024
Congratulations to everyone who ordered the complete "Schakal 1994-2024" set!
The T-shirt and mug are no longer available, but the "Schakal 1994 - 2024" double CD can now be ordered. With this I made a little dream come true: CD1 contains all the studio versions of "Schakal" - from the first demo to the new version - and CD2 contains all the live versions - including a previously unreleased one from last year - to be heard one after the other, and all in an artwork with unpublished photos from 1994!
I hope you enjoy this CD!    

'Schakal 1994 - 2024' EP

01. Schakal (Keyboard Demo)
02. Schakal (Urversion)
03. Schakal (Single Version)
04. Schakal (Piano Version 1994)
05. Schakal (Album Version)
06. Schakal (Piano Version 2020)
07. Schakal 2024 (Anniversary Version) - Previously Unreleased
01. Schakal (Live 1997)
02. Schakal (Live 2007)
03. Schakal (Live 2013)
04. Schakal (Live 2015)
05. Schakal (Live 2022)
06. Schakal (Live 2023) - Previously Unreleased

Schakal 1994 – 2024

19 April 2024

With “Schakal” LACRIMOSA became pioneers of Gothic Metal and the song itself became a groundbreaking model for Symphonic, Dark Metal. In the booklet of this EP we read some of Tilo Wolff’s memories about the creation of “Schakal”:

  «In 1994, I was determined to combine the emotional depth of the heart of Lacrimosa, the lyrics, with the impact and the wideness of an orchestra with the immediate harshness of Metal. (…) I remember the words of a music manager, saying: ‘The song is too hard for Gothic fans and too dark for the Metalheads! Nobody will understand that!’ And he was initially right. The magazines wrote bad about “Schakal” and no DJ played the song. It was the year 1994 – Gothic-Metal was not invented yet!”

For the 30th anniversary, “Schakal 1994 – 2024” is now being released, a collection of all recordings – from the first demo to a previously unreleased, completely re-recorded version that exploits the full potential of this epic work in over eight minutes – as well as all professional Live recordings made from concerts around the world from 1997 to the present.

Anyone who likes «Schakal» will love this EP!


01. Schakal (Keyboard Demo)
02. Schakal (Urversion)
03. Schakal (Single Version)
04. Schakal (Piano Version 1994)
05. Schakal (Album Version)
06. Schakal (Piano Version 2020)
07. Schakal 2024 (Anniversary Version) - Previously Unreleased
01. Schakal (Live 1997)
02. Schakal (Live 2007)
03. Schakal (Live 2013)
04. Schakal (Live 2015)
05. Schakal (Live 2022)
06. Schakal (Live 2023) - Previously Unreleased    

'Schakal 1994 - 2024' Bundle

12 April 2024
To mark the 30th anniversary of “Schakal”, we are offering you a bundle with exclusive merchandising, which will be available for two weeks from today.
You can find more information in the shop and I'm looking forward to seeing one or the other in the "Schakal"-shirt at the next concerts.

LACRIMOSA 'Schakal 1994 - 2024' Bundle

1x 'Schakal 1994 - 2024' EP
1x 'Schakal 1994 - 2024' Cup
1x 'Schakal 1994 - 2024' Shopper
1x 'Schakal 1994 - 2024' Shirt of your choice (100% Cotton)

69,99 € 80,00 €

-- the Lacrimosa Shop --

Schakal 2024 - Spotify

11 April 2024

Tomorrow “Schakal 2024”

11 April 2024
Tomorrow “Schakal 2024” is out at all streaming portals!
And of course this recording won't be only streamed, within a double CD it will be released on May 24th to celebrate 30 years of "Schakal".
And there will also be the “Schakal 1994 - 2024” bundle, which will be available for two weeks starting tomorrow.
More on this later tomorrow!

They tried to destroy Beauty

08 April 2024

Shadow Greetings,

Short and sweet.

Unusual and melodic.

Lots of guitars + other goodies.

Oh yeah... I should probably mention that the main track is labeled E (for Explicit lyrics) on all streaming platforms. So... if you find strong language provoking, you should probably avoid listening to it.

Check it out ON SPOTIFY.

They Tried To Destroy Beauty

They tried to destroy beauty
But I will bring it back
Everytime that they try it
They really tried to destroy beauty
For you and me
At first you could not see

They tried to destroy beauty
But I will bring it back
Everytime that those fucking motherfuckers
Trying to ruin it
And they keep doing it
And they seem to love doing it
I say, no more

They tried to destroy beauty
But I will bring it back
Everytime that they try it
They really tried to destroy beauty
For you and me
Even the blind could see
This atrocity

Without spirit, without soul
Without heart, they are cold
Stone cold

But I had enough this time
They’re totally out of their minds
They crossed the line
When they tried to destroy beauty


Written, composed and arranged by Henrik Flyman.

Release date: April 3, 2024

Shine on.


PS. Light gently puts darkness to rest.

Schakal 2024 + double CD

04 April 2024

“Schakal 2024” is ready!
And in just a few days, on Friday, April 12th, the anniversary version of this anthem will go online on all streaming services!
A double CD will follow in May with which we will celebrate 30 years of “Schakal”!

Lacrimosa in China

29 March 2024
We're coming back to China!
Our next tour in June will take us back, after five years to the land of the rising sun!
We are so much looking forward to it!

Note from me: Japan! is the land of the rising sun. China is the land of the dragon

Schakal * 2024

26 March 2024
For the anniversary of "Schakal" we'll come up with a completely new version that we are currently recording. Not to replace the original, but to complement it - in classical music this is designated as a variation, which we will present to you soon...

This Was Not Supposed To Happen

02 March 2024

An unorthodox EP with an unusual release date.

Humanity has probably never been more divided that we are right now. But one thing we can probably agree on, is that something is very wrong.

Long sequences of, seemingly, unrelated misfortunes keep unfolding. Unfortunate coincidences?

Some people choose to deep-dive into the rabbit holes to figure out what’s really going on. Others feel more comfortable outsourcing their concerns to authority appointed experts and ministries of truth.

I wrote a couple of new songs.
Out at midnight on February 29th.


1). This Was Not Supposed To Happen
2). They Tried To Destroy Beauty (theme)



Lacrimosa in the Orkus Magazine

23 February 2024
What did Cradle of Filth say about London after Midnight and Lacrimosa and others. ??

Orkus on Amazon

31. Wave-Gotik-Treffen 2024

20 February 2024
The 31st Wave-Gotik-Treffen 2024 will take place from 17 May - 20 May 2024 in Leipzig.

Anne Nurmi's ex-band, Two Witches from Finland, will also be performing. Who knows, maybe Anne will be there too.

~ Offizielle Seiten Wave-Gotik-Treffen Leipzig ~

Two Witches on Amazon

New Album 2024

08 January 2024
It's going to be a musical year!